"The Last Trump / Eco-Calyptic"
‘The Last Trump’ is an instrument that foretells the end of the world in many myths and religions. According to these beliefs, this instrument is blown by a male angel.
The consumerist and invasive masculine capitalist system consumes and pollutes the Earth and natural resources as if they were disposable.
This photograph was taken near Hasankeyf, a 12 thousand year old settlement on the banks of the ancient Tigris river in the North of Mesoptamia, which is being submerged for the construction of a Hydro Electric Power Plant with a maximum economic life of 50 years.
In this artwork, the plastic water bottle, which has become a phenomenon of disposable use, is transformed into The Last Trump, and it is again a Male Angel (!) who announces the pollution that brings the end of the world.
There is another irony in the word ‘Trump’, I think there is no need to elaborate this irony further.